carriage return

suomi-englanti sanakirja

carriage return englannista suomeksi

  1. rivinvaihto

  1. Substantiivi

  2. telanpalautus

  3. vaununpalautus, telanpalautus

carriage return englanniksi

  1. On a typewriter or computer printer, the action that returns it to the beginning of the next line.

  2. The character (0x0D in ASCII, abbreviated as CR) that originally signaled a device to perform a carriage return, but now merely indicates the end of a line of text ((l)).

  3. (syn)

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=1998|author=Jeff Frentzen; Henry Sobotka; Dewayne McNair|title=JavaScript Annotated Archives|page=28

  5. The key or lever that initiates the carriage return action (on a typewriter) or generates the carriage return character (on a computer).

  6. (hypo)